


皆様、あけましておめでとうございます。   新年早々いいニュースを報告することになりました。   この度、国際学会である 11th International Conference on Computer Science, Information Technology (CSITEC 2025) に論文が採択されました。


この論文は、時間結晶を用いたノイズと共存可能な量子計算を提案し、その万能ゲート型と断熱量子計算における計算結果を示すものです。   結果、万能ゲート型においてはいくつかの改善点はあるものの、断熱型においては高精度の計算が可能であることが明らかになりました。 



【PR】初心者も安心のサポート充実【DMM FX】






楽園実験 : Universe 25


未完成にとどまり 進化を拒み 胎児の恍惚に包まれて


エミール ミハイ シオラン / 生誕の災厄







そう、知る人ぞ知る楽園実験 Universe 25 [ 1 ] です。

これはハツカネズミ ( 以降マウス ) を移住、天敵による捕食、水、食料の欠乏、場所の不足、伝染病をはじめとする病の五つの死因から無縁の環境におかれたマウスがどのような社会を形成するのか観察する実験です。

ユニバースと呼ばれた実験系にはメッキされた亜鉛版で移住は出来ないように壁が設けられ、それぞれのマウスには 256 の 15 匹が暮らせる 4 部屋の巣穴が用意され、水は最大二匹ずつ、食料は最大で 25 匹が同時に食べられるように巣穴に続く道の途中に、また温度は通年 22 - 33 度にとどまるように調節され、実験系は屋内でした。


この系は最大 3800 匹のマウスを問題なく収容し、水も 6800 匹を超えるまで不足しない・・・はずでした。


実験開始からそれまでの 1780 日でマウス達は下記の過程で滅んでいきました。

A : 入植期

予防接種されたうえで育てられた健康な 21 日齢のマウスを実験系にオスメスそれぞれ四匹を投入するところから実験は始まりました。 そのマウス達は新しい環境に 104 日かけて順応し、繁殖を始めました。

B : 繁殖期 104 - 315 日


このころからマウスの生息域と人工の分布に偏りが出始め、最大で 111 匹が暮らす縄張りと最小で 13 匹が多くの巣穴を占有する縄張りが出来、人口の増加速度も同様の差異が見られるようになりました。

C : 停滞期 315 - 560 日








マウスは穴倉に集団生活をし、親から近所づきあいなどの社会性を学び、成長するとオスにはなわばりの防衛あるいはボス、メスには妊娠出産子育ての役割が与えられ、オスの場合は社会的地位と伴侶の座を、殴り合い噛み合いのケンカで争います [ 2 ] 。



彼らは論文内では beautiful ones ( 美しい人 ) と呼ばれています。



D : 終末期 560 - 1780 日

入植から 560 日目に突然人口の増加が停止して、人口はそこから単調減少していきました。

この時残っていたのは親に虐待された世代のみな上に高齢化も進んでおり、それからオスが 1780 日目にして全滅することでこの実験系におけるマウスは絶滅が決定しました。









エミール ミハイ シオラン / 生誕の災厄

[ 1 ] John B Calhoun , Proc R Soc Med. 1973 Jan;66(1 Pt 2):80–88.

[ 2 ] Itakura, Takumi et al. Neuron, Volume 110, Issue 15, 2455 - 2469.e8.

【PR】初心者も安心のサポート充実【DMM FX】




Filtering VQE

今回は、クォンティニュアム社が開発した新規 VQE である Filtering VQE の解説をします。 

通常の VQE は評価関数をエネルギーを状態で挟んだ期待値としますが、この手法はハミルトニアンを含んだフィルタ を パラメトリック量子回路とパラメーター更新前の状態で挟んだ内積を計算し、その微分値でパラメーターを更新します。 


そうして、自社のイオントラップ型量子計算機量子ビット数を変えて計算を行ったところ、逆ハミルトニアン、対数ハミルトニアン、虚時間発展演算子フィルタで通常の VQE と Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) における計算精度を上回り、計算時間も短くなりました。 

VQE における精度向上の手段はいくつかありますが、最適化の手法を改善するのはあまり例を見ません。   


因果円錐計算法 : 期待値計算の際に不要なゲートを削除して行うことでエラーの可能性と計算時間を低減する手法の一つ。相対論における因果円錐に似ていることからこの名が付きました。   

マックスカット問題 : 無向グラフに一度だけ切れ目を入れて、カットされたノードの重みが最大になるようにする問題。


【PR】初心者も安心のサポート充実【DMM FX】



特報 : 論文を投稿しました。


Research Square というプレプリントサーバーに今はやりの KAN の量子版の論文を載せました。

これは Variational Quantum Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (VQKAN) と命名しました。




【PR】初心者も安心のサポート充実【DMM FX】




Master equation on spontaneous emission.

In this article, we present an explanation on how to handle the simplest noise in quantum computers, natural radiation, in theory. Spontaneous emission is the process of state transition by emitting photons in any quantum system. It is the simplest of the states that can be solved by the master equation. To do so, we solve the master equation as shown below [1].

 \frac{d\rho}{dt}=\frac{1}{i\hbar}[H,\rho+\gamma(\bar{n}+1)(\sigma^+ \rho \sigma^- -\frac{1}{2}\sigma^- \sigma^+ \rho -\frac{1}{2}\rho \sigma^- \sigma^+)+\gamma\bar{n}(\sigma^- \rho \sigma^+ - \frac{1}{2}\sigma^+ \sigma^-\rho -\frac{1}{2}\rho \sigma^+ \sigma^-) -(1) ]

where  \gamma and  \bar{n} are the decoherence factor and the number of photons in Bose-Einstein statistics, respectively. The Hamiltonian is as follows

[tex: H=\frac{1}{2}\omega_0 \hbar \sigmaz -(2) ]

Solve for this and you get

[tex: \frac{d\rho}{dt} = \left( \begin{array}{cc} -\gamma\bar{n}\rho{00}+\gamma(\bar{n}+1)\rho{11} & -0.5(\omega_0 i + 2\gamma\bar{n}-\gamma)\rho{01} \ 0.5(\omega_0 i -2\gamma\bar{n}-\gamma)\rho{10} & \gamma\bar{n}\rho{00}-\gamma(\bar{n}+1)\rho{11} \end{array} \right) -(3) ]

The diagonal term is

-\gamma\bar{n} & \gamma(\bar{n}+1) \
\gamma\bar{n} & -\gamma(\bar{n}+1)
\right) {\rho_d} -(4)

We can solve this in the same way as solving a simultaneous differential equation, we have the following

Ae^{-(2\bar{n}+1)\gamma t} + c_0 \
-Ae^{-(2\bar{n}+1)\gamma t} - c_1
\right) -(5)

From equations (4) and (5), the coefficients look like this

 c_0=\frac{\bar{n}+1}{2\bar{n}+1}, \quad c_1=\frac{-\bar{n}}{2\bar{n}+1} -(6)

Thus, each element of the density operator looks like this

[tex: \rho{00}(t)&=&Ae^{-(2\bar{n}+1)\gamma t}+\frac{\bar{n}+1}{2\bar{n}+1} \ \rho{11}(t)&=&Ae^{-(2\bar{n}+1)\gamma t} + \frac{\bar{n}}{2\bar{n}+1} \ \rho{10}(t)&=&A_1e^{-\frac{1}{2}(2\bar{n}+1)\gamma t}e^{\frac{1}{2}\omega_0 it} \ \rho{01}(t)&=&A_2e^{-\frac{1}{2}(2\bar{n}+1)\gamma t}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\omega_0 it} -(7) ]

We can see that the damping term in the non-diagonal term is exactly half of the damping term in the diagonal term. This is the inverse of what is called the transverse and longitudinal relaxation times, respectively. This means that the superposition in the quantum state is stronger than in the classical state. Since this is a calculation of natural radiation, I used a lot of equations, but even this is a small number for a noise calculation. The calculation is quite trivial, but I hope you will be able to see for yourself because it is simple.

[1] Giuliano Benenti, Giuliano Casati, and Giuliano Strini. Principles of Quantum Computation and Information Volume I: Basic Concepts, Springer, 2004

Introduction of paper: Artificial black hole on circuit.

In this article, I will explain the results of the reproduction of Hawking radiation1* using a quantum electronic circuit that was recently published. In this paper, I will explain the results of the reproduction of Hawking radiation using a quantum electronic circuit, which uses a Josephson device to create a pseudo-Schwarzschild radius2* using a potential on the circuit to create a situation where photons cannot escape from the potential, and the electromagnetic waves emitted from the potential reproduce Hawking radiation.




An artificial black hole can be reproduced on a circuit.


The artificial black hole can be reproduced on the circuit, and the Hawking radiation can be reproduced in the tunnel.


However, this has not been actually observed, and there are various models of black holes.




The Josephson device is used in the circuit shown in Fig. 1, so that the electric field potential that captures a photon reproduces the Schwarzschild radius of a black hole. In this way, we can reproduce the model where the incident light is reflected twice inside the black hole and then emitted outside as Hawking radiation.



Figure 1: Circuit for reproducing a black hole. The area enclosed by the square is repeated.




When the circuit shown in Figure 1 is connected, because of the phase of the Josephson device, an electric field appears that traps photons so that they cannot escape in the middle of the circuit. This circuit reduces the photon speed to 1/100 of its original speed. In this circuit, the photon cannot exit the electric field unless it exceeds the speed limit within the circuit. Therefore, the only way to escape this electric field is through the tunneling effect. Photons are reflected in the electric field, and when they come out, they are in a different state than when they entered. Thus, it was confirmed that the larger the group velocity of the photons, the higher the Hawking temperature (the temperature of Hawking radiation) becomes. However, we have not yet been able to reproduce this to the point where it is inversely proportional to volume.




There are still many mysteries about black holes, and Hawking radiation has not been observed because the temperature is too low. The fact that only the antiparticles in Hawking radiation are taken up by the Schwarzschild radius and evaporate the black hole is only true because it is consistent with the entropy-increasing law, and it may be that the same amount of particles are actually absorbed by the black hole. This may be derived from CP symmetry breaking, but I don't know yet because I don't know much about elementary particles3*. Furthermore, various theories have been proposed for the structure of black holes, as shown in Figure 2. (1) a black hole with a conventional singularity, (2) a black hole with no interior in the de jitter picture, and (3) a model in which the black hole is filled with unobservable dense particles [1]. The results in this paper reproduce those in the (1) and (3) pictures. However, there are still many issues to be addressed in this research, and further development is expected.



Figure 2: Model of a black hole. (1) A typical black hole. The singularity is at the center. (2) A de jitter black hole. A black hole has no internal structure. (3) A model in which an ultra-dense object is the interior of a black hole.




1* A general term for the synchrotron radiation and particles that are said to be emitted from a black hole. It is considered hopeless to observe because it is only about a few millikelvin.




2* The radius at which space is so distorted that even light cannot escape, and gravity is so great. In general relativity, time stops here.




3* Superstring theory seems to be able to explain this.


Quantum-circuit black hole lasers | Scientific Reports (nature.com)


Universe | Free Full-Text | Black Hole as a Quantum Field Configuration (mdpi.com)





Paper Introduction: Entanglement Entropy in Localized Systems.

In this article, we present an experimental study of entanglement entropy and correlation between artificially created localized systems. Localized systems are not in thermal equilibrium and the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis is not applicable. In this paper, the Aubry-Andre system is used. The Aubry-Andre system is a boson lattice system that can be easily turned into a localized system by adding defect terms. This Hamiltonian is

 H = -J\sum_i (a_i^\dagger a_{i+1} + h.c.) + \frac{U}{2} \sum_i n_i (n_i - 1) + W\sum_i h_i n_i

The result is where J is the tunneling effect coefficient, U is the Coulomb term,  h_i = \cos(2\pi\beta + \phi), \beta \approx 1.618 is the coefficient of the defect potential, and W is its strength. Also,  a_i^\dagger, a_i are the operators that create and annihilate bosons at site i, respectively, and  n_i = a_i^\dagger a_i is the number operator for site i. It has been confirmed that the maximum single-site entropy of this system alone becomes smaller as W is amplified, and its accumulation with time does not reach thermal equilibrium, and its value is smaller than that of the system with zero defect term. The number entropy, which is the usual quantum state entropy, and the configuration entropy,  S_c , which increases in proportion to the total amount of entanglements, were calculated and compared between the state of W=1.0, which is an integrable system with a site number of 8 on a one-dimensional lattice, and the state of W=8.9, which is a localized system. As a result, the number entropy increased more slowly in the localized system, while the configuration entropy started to increase after the number entropy converged, and the increase was also slower. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the difference in the size of the connected systems determines the maximum value of entropy, which reaches its maximum when the system size is half that of the connected systems, and becomes smaller the further away it is.

The result that a localized system, which does not reach thermal equilibrium, reaches thermal equilibrium when connected to another system may come as a shock to those who study quantum information and quantum computing hardware. If you are familiar with various physical phenomena, it may seem natural to you. However, it is still a topic that is expected to be developed in the future. For example, it is possible to find a way to suppress both entropies of the connection.


【PR】初心者も安心のサポート充実【DMM FX】
